Preparing for Exams: Top 5 Revision Tips

When it comes to exams, many students panic and stress, cramming in a tonne of revision at the last minute. But you don’t have to set yourself up for pressure and failure. All you need to do is prepare!
Below are our top 5 revision tips to help you feel calm and prepared for your exams.

What you need to revise

When it comes to revising, you will need to know your strengths and weaknesses within a subject. Go through your past exercise books on things you’ve covered, see what areas you need to study up on. Don’t waste precious study time on things that have no chance of being in the exam. For a guideline as to what topics could be in your exam, take a look at some previous exam papers; your teacher may be able to provide you with the previous year’s test papers.

Revision Timetable

Organise your revision time with a revision timetable. Make it manageable and something you will stick to; you don’t have to revise the exact times every day. Having a bit of variety in your study can help you stick to the timetable instead of thinking of it as a chore. Go through your subjects and their topics, find the ones you need more work on, and make sure they get the most revision time.
Plan out how many hours you can set aside for your revision, after school, on weekends. Some teachers may switch their lessons to provide you with study time within school hours.

Regular Breaks

Don’t wear or stress yourself out by revising non-stop. It will do more harm than good. By revising non-stop, you’re minimising the amount of information you take in, and you’ll end up going over and over it for it to sink in. Taking regular breaks, staying hydrated, and eating well allows what you’ve been studying to sink in. Go for a short walk for some fresh air and allow yourself the time to go over what you’ve learned.

Past Exam Papers

Whilst preparing for your exams, teachers may provide you with past exam papers to help you prepare yourself. They may sit you in exam conditions in your lesson, so you know what to expect, how you deal with the time restrictions, and so you can see what the exam papers may include and how many marks per question you’ll receive. The number of marks per question can indicate how detailed your answers need to be or if you need to show your workings out.

External Help

There are so many websites that provide educational content and video tutorials. Some students can switch off when studying from textbooks, so viewing content online can give a variation in learning, bringing learning to life and making the subject or topic easier to grasp.
Having a tutor outside of school can also help you with your revision, as they can go through the topics and subjects you’re having trouble with in more detail. Having one-to-one sessions also means if you don’t grasp the topic straightaway, you can go through it again and again until you fully understand it.

If you find yourself panicking or stressing over exams, a tutor can help you prepare and feel more relaxed and comfortable. They can go through exam paper questions, so you know how to read and understand the question fully before answering, and they can help you deal with the time constraints. Westcountry Tuition has tutors that can help with exam preparation and help you get the results you’re looking for. Get in touch with us and see how we can help you with your exam preparations.

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